E-Learning and Games – Week 1

Based on photo by xandert found on morgueFile
Based on photo by xandert found on morgueFile

Link to all Weeks     Week 1     Week 2     Week 3     Week 4      Week 5     Week 6


  1. Introduction
  2. Scope of Class
  3. Games
  4. Your Favourite Games
  5. Game Genres
  6. Feedback


This class has a focus on Game Design and E-Learning. You will design on educational games or a cross-over version with some educational value.

Your design will not incorporate a finished and working video game! You will complete the planning and look at important components of the game and e-learning resource.

Units of Competency

These two units of competency will be covered in this unit:

Scope of Class

Over the coming weeks we will learn some game related terminology, look at games and analyse games and look at how to create a learning resource.

We will learn how to scope and research a target audience, how to establish learner needs and finally how to design an educational game.

There will be an emphasis on graphics.


Games are a way for children to learn the tasks of adulthood. What easier way is there but to teach your child what to do in their life as a grown-up, than in a game? Games are fun and create strong memories. Game include repetition, which is a strong aspect of memorising the learnt material by practising it.

Video games have long become a large and fast growing industry and games surround most of us on a daily basis. This has only been magnified with the growth of social media (eg Facebook).

What are the most popular platforms for video games?

Mindmap to be added.

Your Favourite Games

What are your favourite games?

List 3 games that you like to play:

  • Describe the platform
  • Describe the game mechanics (rules to complete game)
  • Describe the GUI (graphic user interface)
  • Why do you think you play that game?
  • What is fun about the game?
  • Is it educational? What do you learn?
  • What is the game genre that it falls into?

E-mail me your answers or leave them in form of a comment.

Student responses to be added.

Game Genres

Research game genres. List a minimum of 8 major genres, add descriptions and 3 examples of well-known games from each genre.

E-mail me your answers or leave them in form of a comment.

Student responses to be added.


Please leave your feedback in form of a comment. Your feedback and suggestions will help me to make this blog more user friendly. Thanks!


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